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Vidya Talent Search Examination (VTSE) is a national level scholarship exam that helps students to take the first step towards their goal of becoming an engineer or a doctor by providing them with an opportunity to get up to 100% scholarship.
VTSE helps students to know their potential at All India Level and prepare under the expert guidance of Vidyapant Academy. VTSE will be conducted in both Online & Offline mode.
Class VII, VIII, IX, X, XI & XII Studying students.
Free Registration
Offline Date: Every Sunday Upto February 2025
Time: Morning: 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM
Science: Nutrition, Fibre to Fabric, Physical and Chemical Changes, Acids, Bases and Salts, Weather, Climate and Adaptations of Animals to Climate, Wind, Storms and Cyclones, Life Processes, Motion and Time, Electricity and Light & Our Environment.
Mathematics: Number System and Its Operations, Exponents, Algebraic Expression and Linear Equation, Ratio and Proportion Percentage and S.I. and C.I., Data Handling, Geometry, Mensuration,Comparing Quantities, Lines & Angels, Perimeter and Area.
Mental Ability : Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning: Number of Alphabet Test, Series, Classification, analog, Direct Test, Coding & Decoding, Problems based on Figures.
Science: Friction, Force & Pressure, Sound, Chemical effects of Electric Current, Metals & Non- Metals, Synthetics Fibres & Plastics, Microorganisms, Crop Production & Management, Conservation of Plants & animals, Cell Structure & Function.
Mathematics: Rational Numbers, Linear Equation in 1 Variable, Quadrilaterals, Square & Square Roots, Cube 7& Cube Roots, Data Handling, Comparing Quantities, Lines & Angles, Mensuration.
Mental Ability : Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning: Number of Alphabet Test, Series, Classification, analog, Direct Test, Coding & Decoding, Problems based on Figures.
Physics: Gravitation, Motion, Force & Laws of Motion
Chemistry: Is Matter around us Pure? Matter in our Surroundings
Biology: The Fundamental Unit of Life, Tissues, Diversity in Living Organisms
Maths: Polynomials, Lines & Angles, Triangles, Number System, Linear Equation in 2 Variable, Circle, Surface Area and Volume.
Mental Ability: Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning: Number of Alphabet Test, Series, Classification, analog, Direct Test, Coding & Decoding, Problems based on Figures & Matrix, Analytical Reasoning, General Logical Reasoning.
Physics: Light, Human Eye & Colorful World, Electricity
Chemistry: Chemical Reactions & Equations, Acids, Bases and Salt, Metals & Non-Metals
Biology: Life Processes, Control & coordination, How do Organisms Reproduce?
Maths: Real Numbers, Pair of Linear Equations in 2 Variables, Arithmetic Progressions, Coordinate Geometry, Introduction to Trigonometry, Circle, Area related to Circle, Triangle, Surface area and Volume.
Mental Ability: Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning: Number of Alphabet Test, Series, Classification, analog, Direct Test, Coding & Decoding, Problems based on Figures & Matrix, Analytical Reasoning, General Logical Reasoning.
Physics: Physical world and Measurement l Kinematics l Laws of Motion l Work, Energy and Power l Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body l Gravitation l Properties of Bulk Matter l Thermodynamics l Behavior of Perfect Gas and Kinetic Theory l Oscillations and Waves
Chemistry: Basic Concepts of Chemistry l Structure of Atom l Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties l Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure l States of Matter: Gases and Liquids l Thermodynamics l Equilibrium , Redox Reactions l Hydrogen, s-Block Elements (Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals, Some p-Block Elements (B,C,N) l Organic Chemistry – Some Basic Principles and Techniques l Hydrocarbons l Environmental Chemistry.
Maths: Sets l Relation and function l Trigonometric functions l Mathematical Induction l Complex number l Sequence and series l Permutation and combination l Binomial theorem l Coordinate geometry l Limits and derivatives l Statistics, 3D geometry l Vectors l Probability l Logarithm l Inequality l Applied mathematics l Mathematical reasoning.
Physics: Physical world and Measurement l Kinematics l Laws of Motion l Work, Energy and Power l Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body l Gravitation l Properties of Bulk Matter l Thermodynamics l Behavior of Perfect Gas and Kinetic Theory l Oscillations and Waves
Chemistry: Basic Concepts of Chemistry l Structure of Atom l Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties l Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure l States of Matter: Gases and Liquids l Thermodynamics l Equilibrium , Redox Reactions l Hydrogen, s-Block Elements (Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals, Some p-Block Elements (B,C,N) l Organic Chemistry – Some Basic Principles and Techniques l Hydrocarbons l Environmental Chemistry.
Biology: Diversity in living world I Structural Organization in Plants & Animals l Cell Structure and Functions l Transport, Nutrition & Growth in plants l Photosynthesis and Respiration in Plants l Digestion and absorption. l Breathing and respiration. l Body fluids and circulation. l Excretory products and elimination. l Locomotion and movement. l Control and coordination.
JEE Main Selection (2021)
CBSE 12th 85.0%
JEE Main Selection (2021)
CBSE 12th 90.0%
JEE Main Selection (2021)
JEE Main Selection (2021)
CBSE 12th 88.0%
JEE Main Selection (2021)
CBSE 12th 88.4%
JEE Main Selection (2021)
CBSE 12th 87.0%
JEE Main Selection (2021)
CBSE 12th 77.0%
JEE Main Selection (2021)
CBSE 12th 90.5%